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Bóng đèn UV HG

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Bóng đèn UV HG

  • Mã SP: ---
  • Giá: Liên hệ
  • lx  2807 lượt xem
  • Thông số kỹ thuật: Bóng đèn UV HG Hãng sản xuất : Lichtzen (Hàn Quốc), Ultralight (Châu Âu) Xuất xứ : Hàn Quốc Liên hệ : 0859550527
  • Chia sẻ trên:
  • Danh mục: Thiết Bị UV


PRIMARC UV Curing lamps
Technical Specification:

Primarc UV curing lamps are manufactured in lengths from 2cm to more than 300cm and currently at power outputs of up to 500 Watts per cm (1270 Watts per inch).

To ensure maximum efficiency of any UV lamp, a Primarc Transformer Control System is always recommended. A separate information sheet covering these is available on request.

Primarc have a complete range of their own originally designed lamps, or if required, lamps can be designed to meet customers’ specific requirements.

Metal Halide Options:
PRIMARC UV Curing Lamps
A mercury-vapour lamp has the spectral output shown in fig. 1.

For applications where a different wavelength of UV is required, the spectral output of a standard lamp can be shifted to different wavelengths by utilising energy transfer from the mercury atoms within the arc to another material added during manufacture. The spectra of two typical spectrally-enhanced lamps are shown in figs. 2 and 3.

Whilst Primarc manufacture equivalent lamps to makes such as Hanovia, Heraeus, BLV, BVS, Eye, Superior Quartz, Mazda, Philips, Sylvania, Toshiba, Ushio, Voltarc, etc, it is important to identify the specific lamp for your UV drying system. Please complete the lamp identification sheet so that an equivalent lamp can be identified.

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